Fion Leung, Co-founder & CEO of Time Auction
Fion Leung is the Co-founder of Time Auction, a charity that promotes volunteerism.
Time Auction was started as a side project in 2014 and registered as a charity in 2017. Since then, Fion has dedicated herself full-time to leveraging technology to drive scalable impact.
At Time Auction, volunteering goes beyond traditional norms. Volunteers are encouraged with empowering experiences, from cooking with Michelin-starred chefs to creative workshops. In 2020, Fion launched a platform that efficiently connects skilled volunteers with nonprofits that can benefit from their talents, addressing a talent gap in the nonprofit sector.
To date, the Time Auction community has contributed over 310,000 volunteer hours.
Fion's work has earned her recognition on the Tatler Hong Kong's Generation T List 2019, as a GLG Social Impact Fellow in 2021, and as an Asia 21 2022 Class of Young Leaders. Prior to her venture into philanthropy, Fion worked as a Product Evangelist at a media startup, Notey, and a Graduate Analyst at Barclays. She graduated from HKUST with a degree in Business Administration.
梁嘉寶, Time Auction聯合創辦人兼行政總裁
Fion Leung 是 Time Auction 的共同創辦人,Time Auction 是一個推廣義工服務的慈善機構。
Time Auction 於2014年作為一個副業項目開始,並於2017年註冊成為慈善機構。自此,Fion 全職投入運用科技來推動可擴展的影響力。
在 Time Auction,義工服務超越傳統規範。義工通過體驗得到鼓勵,從與米芝蓮星級廚師一起烹飪到參與創意工作坊。在2020年,Fion 推出了一個平台,有效地將具備專業技能的義工與需要這些人才的非營利組織連接起來,解決非營利部門的人才缺口問題。
至今為止,Time Auction 義工已貢獻超過310,000小時的義工服務時數。
Fion 的工作使她獲得了多項認可,包括入選 Tatler Hong Kong 的 Generation T List 2019、2021年成為 GLG Social Impact Fellow,以及入選 Asia 21 2022 Class of Young Leaders。在投身慈善事業之前,Fion 曾在媒體初創公司 Notey 擔任Product Evangelist,並在 Barclays 擔任分析師。她畢業於香港科技大學,獲得工商管理學位。